$75.00 p/w

37 Bayview Street, Runaway Bay QLD 4216

1 Bed

1 Bath

$75.00 p/w

37 Bayview Street, Runaway Bay QLD 4216

1 Bed

1 Bath

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Marina Berth for Rent in Runaway Bay

PLEASE NOTE: There are no bedrooms/bathrooms with the Marina Berth.

Vessels must be no longer than 8.5 meters overall length, including all attachments e.g. bow sprit, duckboard etc., beam (width) no wider than 2.8 meters and the draft shall be no deeper than will allow the vessel to remain upright and self-supported at the lowest tides (depth of water varies from berth to berth, so please check the proposed berth before proceeding).

Please provide accurate vessel dimensions, as the managers must receive written approval from the Body Corporate, prior to the commencement of the rental.

Vessels occupying rented berths must be insured; please include a copy of the insurance certificate with this application.

Please note the following rules apply:
1. The rental agreement applies to the Marina Berth only and does not extend to the use of common property or amenities e.g. Pool / spa, grass area, BBQs, rubbish disposal facilities.
2. No Business activities are to be conducted from the rented Marina Berth.
3. 240 volt power leads are not to remain connected to marina power outlets when the vessel is left unattended.
4. The Marina Berth is not to be used for overnight accommodation.
5. The renter of the Marina Berth is responsible for the correct mooring of the vessel at all times; renters must make allowance with their mooring ropes for extremely high and low tides to avoid damaging the vessel and/or wooden jetty and boardwalk. If damage is incurred to another vessel or the jetty or boardwalk due to the failure of the renter to properly secure the vessel or by not taking due care when entering or removing the vessel from the berth, the renter will be liable for any costs of repairs to the berth and/or to any other vessels. Such repairs need to be completed by licensed tradespeople only and be approved by the Body Corporate prior to commencement.
6. Management has the right, but not the responsibility, to adjust mooring ropes in order to prevent damage to vessels, jetty or boardwalk.
7. Minor maintenance only may be carried out from the Marina Berth.
8. The boat ramp gate may not be used between the hours of 8pm and 7am. During these hours, entry and egress is by way of the front reception door only.
9. The boat ramp gate must be closed and locked immediately when not in use.
10. The boat ramp is for launch and retrieval only. It is not to be used for careening purposes.
11. Animals are not to be brought onto the property.


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